Friday, February 2, 2007

And then there was Noah...

The talking chair ask: What is 'live" spelled backwards? We'll start here. The question was posed, how could (life) as we know it now, begin with just two people? Then the population of the time was wiped out by the great flood. And, it started over. But, as Noah was building the ark, his neighbors were partying and laughing asking, what are you doing Noah, why are you building that big boat? "The world is about to be destroyed," it started to rain, and rain, and rain and the people continued to party. The good times were more important than than the issue of sinfulness that plagued the land.
After the great flood, God said, I gave Noah the rainbow sign, no more water, fire next time!
The times in which we now live, are the most reprehensible in history. The offenses before God are more prolific, base, degenerate and cry for justice before the throne of His majesty.
You may think this just another Christian Conservative rant, but the time of Noah is once again upon us.
If you are a realist, and can put aside the I know what I need, what's best for me factor, and contemplate for a moment, eh, what if I'm wrong about this life; heaven, hell, and all this stuff, consider this thought, just what is Eternity? What does Eternity mean?
Take your time, ponder a little...
Unlike going to Disney World and deciding which hotel you're going to stay at, we are given two choices about where we will stay in Eternity. Knowing our limited mental capacity for making decisions, and He especially knows how we are about asking for directions God makes it easy for us by limiting our choices to two.
Now some of us 'consider' more carefully than others. We survive or don't survive by the choices we make, we make it or don't make it by the choices we make. Same theory applies to where we spend Eternity. We either take the boat, or we don't. Ironically, many of our ancestors came to this country seeking a better life by boat. Others were forced to come by boat, but getting here by boat was the common denominator.
When you look at the ceiling of many churches they are designed in the form of a boat. that design is not by chance. Churches are considered the ark of salvation.
Some will row with one oar in the water, other will speed by, some will set sail and where they land, they land. Many will say they can't swim and won't go near the water. Others will just wait for Noah, they would rather dine with the captain any way. The quest for Noah was purely about trust and faith, the quest for us is about belief or unbelief.
From the talking chair: Permission to come aboard!