Saturday, October 27, 2007

No coincience, part II
Call it irony that the week after SB777 is signed into effect in California fire devastates California. A sign of the times? Wrath of God?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It is no coincidence!
The talking chair is rocked off it's rocker at the speed at which the week after the Governor of California signs into effect SB777 which eliminates form the public school lexicon, "mom & dad, husband & wife, male & female" fire causes a million people to evacuate. Environmentalist are up in arms, houses and businesses destroyed, and Nero fiddles while Rome burns.
No one absolutely no one wants to hear God is angry.
As California goes, so goes the rest of the country. We have allowed the final defilement of the family, the core of existence by which God has said go therefore and make disciples. The core of existence by which God looks for holy people, the debasement of love thy neighbor. The crushing of family values and moral order. Disciples of the Anti-Christ are rising out of the ashes of the tragedy of this bill.
Have we become so callous to the divine will? All you have to do is watch Jay Leno interview the people on the street to see how tragic the commoner is, how far they have fallen into the morass of stupidity. They know nothing, much less the historical figure of Jesus. They can not read the paper much less the tea leaves or the signs of the times.
I'm torn apart at the ignorance and arrogance of our society that despises God in the public square. If we continue down this path, no one will be able to put one foot in front of the other with out stumbling into the abyss of chaos. The smoke from the fires in California, is the smoke of darkness snuffing out the light of Divine common sense.