Monday, February 1, 2010

The work after Medjugorje

There has been much talk about Medjugorje lately, thankfully all positive. I have no doubt as to it's authenticity, because of how my life has been touched and dramatically changed by the events there. However, there is another side not often spoken about, the challenge of living the 'messages.' Going to Medjugorje in the first place involves many facets.
Bottom line I believe one inwardly just responds to the invitation by "Our Lady" and we categorize that invitation in many ways, curiosity, a friend talked you into it, one wants a spiritual/physical healing, chasing a miracle, a vacation, OK it's a pilgrimage. What ever the reason, it becomes evident, once that first step off the bus is taken. And it's not long before the little town of tears begins to flush out the real reason you're there.
Be it a joyful or real cathartic experience, upon returning home the real challenge of Medjugorje begins, living the messages. In my case the closer I try to get to Jesus, the greater the attacks can be. After, ( in my case several visits to Medjugorje and years later) I'm understanding the need for greater humility, greater prayer, greater rejection of worldly things, and it's not easy, in fact it can be like having a second full time job. If there is one level of satisfaction I've achieved, it was learning less is definitely more!
In the realm of other positive fallout from my experiences there, when you apply the messages in your daily life, and honestly try to live the message of agape, Our Lady is definitely there at your side. In fact, the whole heavenly court is there to assist you. I can't begin to account for the number of times I have received divine intervention whenever I have requested it. And it is about faith, total faith, that you are being heard up there.
One problem is, we are a want it now generation. While patience may be a virtue, it must become a part of us. Developing that patience habit has to be part of the holy work ethic we strive to obtain, because it takes time to truly understand how the Author of all we need works. When we surrender, and allow Jesus to do his will in us, then the fruits of Medjugorje really become evident. Making the investment of time, energy, and money to get there, will only show a return when we come home if one is willing to do the work of truly living the messages.

Deacon Toby Gaines