Monday, January 29, 2007

Funeral Attitudes or the new exit strategy

The talking chair wonders: Have you ever really thought about funerals, sound a bit morbid? Remember the last funeral you attended? Quiet, somber, did it really represent the person you knew? Isn't it time to change the out look or the look in general around funerals, and have you noticed any new trends at the funeral home, picture boards, videos, etc.?
Recently in Pittsburgh, PA a die hard Steeler football fan was displayed sitting in a chair, dressed in "Steeler" garb with a video loop running on a TV screen with what else? Steeler football. Now this may seem wild and crazy, but, it did represent the true spirit of the individual as he lived. Nothing wrong with that.
But how far can we go characterizing one's life in death? Where ever the bank account will take us. More and more accross the country we're seeing event planners plotting out elaborate exit strategies for individuals who want their last hours on this planet to be well, different.
Funerals are for the living, paying those last "respects" on those lying before us in those steel or wooden boxes moulded in cookie cutter fashion, are taking on a new direction.
I'm all for the box em rebellion, new style caskets, in vivid colors, and materials like flexiglass or totally 'green' materials.
Freezing or the new cryo phase I don't think, dying is cold enough, and about cremation, why pay for a burning when you might get a free one down below? You might be saving some bucks, but saving one's soul is far more important isn't it? Just in case.
It's in my will that the funeral director doesn't cut my suit down the back to get it on and make it fit, I don't want to get up on Judgement Day with my butt hanging out. As for the ladies, well we won't go there! And, for those in the XX category hopefully death takes a few pounds off. Well there may not be a lot to think about, but there's enough to think about if an exit strategy is important to you. Beyond the boneyard, from the talking chair, until next time, let no man write your epitaph!

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