Tuesday, January 30, 2007

End Times

The talking chair, has been rocking over the mood of many Christians concerned with the end times, and chastisements, as America appears to be moving toward stepping into a new sand box, Iran. This is quick sand! There is prophecy abound as sages expound on the global messages reportedly from God and His saints on the fate of the world.
Cautiously those who discern these words of warning, are abuzz with the explosion of these revelations; warning that man's sinfulness, and turning from God, will exact His Justice soon! From around the world these visionaries are proclaiming, get prepared and stay prepared! Of course there are any number of naysayers who disclaim these heavenly words of doom and gloom.
What evil lurks, in the hearts and minds of men? The Shadow knows. However, I'm not relying on the Shadow for answers here. What present day indicators would possibly foretell this pending catastrophe, what are the signs of the times? Global Warming of course. The weather is the culprit. Time is moving faster than ever. Man is setting the stage, and writing the script, in preparation for the anti-Christ.
In one divine revelation (approved by the Catholic Church) to St. Birgitta (Bridget) of Sweden in the 17Th Century; the Lord told her, "as man becomes more sinful, the greater the need will be for medicines to combat the physical ills of mankind."
If one subscribes to this thinking alone, with the vast development of new medicines in the 20Th Century we're a pretty sick bunch spiritually & physically. An answer? A bell ringing thought if nothing else. Iran is running TV programming in preparation for the return of the 'Mahdi,'
while Christians else where speak of the coming of the anti-Christ. Hardly collusion of thought.
From wars and rumors of wars, to talk of papal assassination, there is a steady drumbeat of evil perversion afoot.
Nature is indeed confused. Hundreds of birds around the world, just falling from mid air, for no discovered reason as yet. Fish dying in record accounts, mutated animals showing up in the most unlikely locales. Mad cow disease. bird flu. Viral flu outbreaks in epidemic fashion closing schools across the plain states. Earthquakes, unprecedented storms, and the speculation of cause continues...
Is God angry, would you be if you were he, with the state of the world? When some one shuts the door in your face, or abruptly hangs up on you, are you ticked? Interesting fodder for the hired guns of the world. Then again, every one wants spiritual gun control, especially for those who shoot from the hip.
Is there a solution, and would you employ it if there was one? I would think no one would volunteer to face Divine retribution. It's easier to just take a wait and see, I'm from Missouri attitude. Unlike the Y2 scare, this has far more reaching implications, should there be any truth to these seers.
The talking chair wonders...

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