Saturday, January 27, 2007

Up in Smoke, why cigars?

The talking chair was wondering just how many thoughts, desires, ideas of the genius, discussion of kings and presidents, have gone up in smoke as the cigar burns. From the high brow to the low, from the Churchill to the little bent stogie, a lot of thought, attitude, and temptation has gone the way of fresh air. While the trend to ban smoking is ever popular these days the 'ttc' is concerned that we will lose the cloud of wisdom that is necessary for man's survival if there is no more cigar smoke.
Imagine Winston Churchill or Groucho, or the "Coz," oh god himself George Burns with out their hand rolled sticks of wisdom. Cuba would be a lost land in the sea despite Castro without his precious 'Havanna'. The thought of JFK sorting out the Bay of Pigs issue over of all things a Havanna cigar. Even cigars make strange bed fellows.
Golf, that outlet for the million dollar deal, would be just another walk in the park without that shared rolled leaf. That export of the Dominican Republic or some other exotic land that caters to the hand rolled element of God's creation, leaf power pure and natural; is indeed man's staple, a friend he can light up and throw away. Just blowing smoke. The ability of man to think and smoke, must not be bannished. Hear all! "The cigar smoker's motto: "We like to see the air we're breathing!" the mantra of those who encircle the modern ash tray.
Diametric to popular belief, the rite of passage from just thought to the bounds of wisdom can not be crossed with out the beloved cigar. Remember those days when grandpa listening to the radio lit his cigar as the game went into extra innings? It never hurt anyone then, and one could always count on grandpa's wisdom when an answer was needed...And, one could counter that as the 'massa' stood on the porch of the plantation, lit his favorite 'hand rolled' and looked over the lower forty, the runaway could be in for much trouble.
A varied and storied past the beloved stogie has had. Those of us old enough to remember the wooden Indian standing as a prop, with a bunch of cigars in his hand was always a source of detestability. Will we be doomed to repeat history, those of us who employ this crutch of philosophic insight? Rise oh smoke like incense to the heights of the heavens, take those thoughts of knowledge to the clouds of understanding...Until next time with the talking chair, the cigar continues to burn!

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